Terms of cancellation and conditions

All cancellations must be made by email. In conformity with business practices within the Icelandic travel industry, the Travel Agent is obliged to charge cancellation fees to passenger(s) as follows:

  • In case of cancellation 90 or more days prior to tour departure cancellation fee is 20% of the tour price.

  • In case of cancellation 21-14 days prior to tour departure cancellation fee is 50% of the tour price.

  • In case of cancellation later than 13 days but before 48 hours prior to tour departure cancellation fee is 75% of the tour price.

  • In case of cancellation later than 48 hours prior to tour departure or no show, the cancellation fee is 100% of the tour price


Individual travel insurance is not included in the tour prices. We strongly recommend that you purchase a travel insurance policy in your home country that covers your cost should you have to cancel your travel reservation with short notice. These kind of travel insurances are not expensive and frequently cover other risks. Please note that all activities are at your own risk. Residents of the EU/EEA countries should bring their European Health Insurance Card (E-111 form) in case of illness and need for medical care.

All rates quoted or shown in our tariffs are based on current purchasing prices in Iceland. North Iceland Trail Running reserves the right to change prices already quoted or published in our price lists without notice in the event of currency fluctuation, government taxes, or due to any other increases of cost that are outside our control.
Any eventual changes in rates will not be made with less than 8 weeks’ notice prior to arrival. After the invoice has been issued the price is guaranteed against surcharge, unless an increase is due to government laws or currency changes.


All complaints must reach North Iceland Trail Running within 5 days from departure from Iceland. Otherwise possible compensation is not valid.


North Iceland Trail Running reserves the right to alter tours and itineraries due to weather or road conditions. All programs can be changed or cancelled at any moment during the trip to assure the safety of the clients and staff of North Iceland Trail Running. No responsibility is accepted for losses, expenses due to delays, changes of flights, or other services or because of strikes, accidents, sickness, damage, negligence, weather, war, changes in schedules, or other similar causes.  North Iceland Trail Running does not assume responsibility for accidents or death that can be traced to the participant´s negligence, acts of third parties or exterior circumstances such as weather, natural occurrences, war or other similar causes.