Weekend trip (late friday to sunday)

PRICE: 80.000kr

offer on a trail running tour 1-3 July. price ISK 50,000. The offer expires on June 16

available every weekend in the summer of 2022 from June 15 to September 1

Included in price:

· Accommodation for 2 nights (for pictures of the facilities see About me)

· 3 guided trail runs or hiking tour

· All meals for the duration of the trip – we will be offering our own production and an introduction to Icelandic food

o You will need to carry your own packed meals/snacks when a car cannot reach us on the trail

o Day 1: only dinner included

o Day 3: only breakfast and snacks included

4 day trip

PRICE: 110.000kr


Included in price:

· Accommodation for 3 nights (for pictures of the facilities see About me)

· 4 guided trail runs or hiking tour

· All meals for the duration of the trip – we will be offering our own production and an introduction to Icelandic food

o You will need to carry your own packed meals/snacks when a car cannot reach us on the trail

o Day 1: only dinner included

o Day 4: only breakfast and snacks included

It takes 4 registrations for the trip to take place

For more information contact nicerun@outlook.com

Trail running Úlfhildur Ída

If „WOW“ were an icelandic adjective, we would use it to try to describe the experience we went thru last weekend.  To run on a trail run in the area of Ytra-Áland at Þistilfjörður in the NorthEast of Iceland in the company of Úlfhildur Ída is at the same time að beautiful picturesque for ones eyes and at the same time a very unique trail running experience. We couldnt recommend it anymore than saying its worth a thousund words. At Rauðanes peninsular you will discover rock formations at new level, all these at your feet as you run along the shoreline. The Langanes peninsular with its beautiful homes for birds in cliffs that will take your breath away.  Last but not the least is the trail run along Jökulsárgljúfur where Úlfhildur Ída takes you on a breathtaking view of a magnificent level where the highlands of Iceland meets the powerful river of Jökulsá as it runs to the sea level at Arnarnes.  We can highly recommend to add Úlfhildur Ída as your trail running guide if you like icelandic nature and scenery.

The Duster driving French couple 😊

Lilja and Valli