Trail running or hiking in north east of Iceland

Nicerun offers guided trail running tours or hiking tours in small group through remote areas in north-eastern Iceland. Our location here in the north-east is not part of the Ring Road, Iceland’s main route, and therefore you will find fewer tourists here than in other parts of the country. Here you will be able to enjoy peace and tranquillity and it is unlikely that we will come across many tourists on our travels during the day. We will be running / hiking 7-25 km each day ( easy, not much elevation). Examples of available routes can be seen below. More information on what is included see book a trip.


Trail running or hiking along Jökulsárgljúfur (Glacial River Canyon), a magnificent 25 km long and 500 m wide canyon carved by the glacial river Jökulsá. The canyon is also known for its many waterfalls and is home to Dettifoss which is believed to be the most powerful waterfall in Europe. The canyon is apart of the Vatnajökull National Park in north-east Iceland. Running along this trail you cannot help feeling rather small next to the crushing power of the glacial river thundering along the canyon.

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Trail running or hiking in Melrakkaslétta which is the northern most point of mainland Iceland and lies right next to the Arctic Circle. This area is home to many bird species and chances of seeing seals here are quite good. The Arctic fox may even be sighted if we are lucky but Melrakkaslétta means Artic Fox Plain.


Trail running or hiking between the fishing villages Raufarhöfn and Kópasker which are among the most rural villages in Iceland. The combined population of the two villages is about 300 people. In Raufarhöfn the Artic Henge is being constructed, a huge stone sundial inspired by the eddic poem Völuspá and designed to harness the Midnight Sun at the Arctic Circle.

Trail running or hiking in Rauðanes 7 km running trail which is located nearby and where you can see puffins and breath-taking landscape.


Trail running or hiking through lava fields, heath- and shrubland which is home to the Icelandic national flower Holtasóley (Dryas octopetala). We will be starting from the old refuge hut, which is supposedly haunted, located in Öxarfjarðarheiði, a heath where the Icelandic sheep roam freely during the summer. The running trail ends when we reach the farm Efri-Hólar an old church site


Trail running or hiking in Langanes peninsula one of Icelands most remote areas and referred to many as Worlds end. The peninsula is rich with birdlife and its steep sea cliffs are home and nesting ground to many seabirds and holds the third largest nesting place for Gannets in the world. The trail running starts at the ruins of Skálar a deserted fishing village which was abandoned in the 1950s. We will be passing three deserted farms along the way and the trail ends on top of the mountain Heiðarfjall with its magnificent view, once home to a radar station and an army base.